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Added by Mary Frantz over 12 years ago
I am a linux newbie and have gotten as far as "Hello World" and "Hello DSP".
Is there any documentation for the functions that can be called from an application, like a programmer's reference? For this particular distribution? and for the hardware drivers for this particular board (Industrial I/O)?
I need information for the following tasks:
Set CPU speed to 456 MHz. Yes, I saw the wiki entry "echo 456000> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed " but this is not permanent. Can this be done with bootargs? or at run time? I just need to set it at startup.
Create a TCP/IP socket, listen, connect, read, write, etc.
Create a task, use semaphores.
Configure hardware, mostly through SPI ports (probably in the FPGA).
Save/retrieve persistent parameters to flash.
Are there any examples?
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