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UPP ISR is not called
Added by Ahmed Shaaban almost 11 years ago
Hi everyone,
I'am using CCS V5.3 and emulator XDS100V2.
I have developed SYS/BIOS ARM app. which use UPP to send/receive data to/from FGPA. Everything works fine(an interrupt is received when data has been sent/received to/from FPGA) when SPI NOR flash has been erased,but when i re-flash it again with Uboot(according to steps provided by [[]]) no interrupt is received.
could you please tell me why this happens? and how to run any SYS/BIOS app without erasing the Uboot from flash?
I have already run many starter ware examples while Uboot is flashed on SPI flash and everything works fine(all interrupt apps works fine like: UART starter ware).
Thanks in advance.
Replies (1)
RE: UPP ISR is not called - Added by Ahmed Shaaban almost 11 years ago
Finally i could solve this issue by adding the following code :
asm(" mrc p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #0\n\t"
" orr r0, r0, #0x00002000\n\t"
" mcr p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #0\n\t");
before calling BIOS_start function.
Thanks everyone.