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DSP/BIOS issue MityDSP-L138
Added by Oleh Mela over 10 years ago
Why at programming port UART-1 under a DSP/BIOS (from DSP side) in reply to sending of a binary file on the hyperterminal there is a message:
U-Boot >
bdinfo go reset bootm boot bootd iminfo coninfo echo exit ext2ls ext2load
fatload fatls fatinfo help ? i2c ...
U-Boot > " ?
Best regards.
Replies (2)
RE: DSP/BIOS issue MityDSP-L138 - Added by Alexander Block about 10 years ago
Can you please share some more details about this issue if it is still occurring?
It looks to me like Uboot is interpreting the file as text and trying to execute the commands.
Presumably the DSP has not taken control of the UART which is why UBoot/the ARM processor is handling the file. Can you provide some details about this file you are trying to send and the method you are doing so in Hyperterm?
Thank you,
RE: DSP/BIOS issue MityDSP-L138 - Added by Oleh Mela about 10 years ago
Thank Alex for your answer.
I think a problem was in incorrect PINMUX for UART-1.
My design works fine for UART-0 and UART-2.
Best regards,