


Setting up MityDSP-L138 for Hello World program

Added by Artem Khotab about 8 years ago

Good day,

I'm trying to set up the “DSP Hello World” from the Wiki instructions ( “Compiling for the ARM” was ommited, as the main goal is to run “Hello World” on DSP. Following the instruction step by step I get an error, when try to specify the MDK location with file:

js: "C:/ti/bios_5_42_01_09/xdctools/include/", line 976: Error: Can't find[ip] file for 'criticallink.platforms.MityDSP-L138'

Correct any script errors in D:/Folder/MY_Project/CCS_PROECT/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.rtsc.xdctools.buildDefinitions.DSPBIOS/.gconf/HelloWorldDSP/HelloWorldDSP/HelloWorldDSP.tcf
using the Configuration Tool or a text editor, if necessary.

TConf initialization arguments:
-e environment['config.importPath']='D:/Folder/MY_Project/CCS_PROECT/HelloWorldDSP;C:/ti/bios_5_42_01_09/packages' -e environment['config.scriptName']='HelloWorldDSP.tcf'

Probably the solution is obvious, but please, help me.


Replies (4)

RE: Setting up MityDSP-L138 for Hello World program - Added by Jonathan Cormier about 8 years ago

Hi Artem,

What version of Code composer are you using? Also what MDK version?

RE: Setting up MityDSP-L138 for Hello World program - Added by Artem Khotab about 8 years ago

Hi Jonathan,

I use CCS v.6.1.0 and MDK of 2014 year.

RE: Setting up MityDSP-L138 for Hello World program - Added by Jonathan Cormier about 8 years ago

Code Composer is very finicky about exact paths for the file. It's possible you went too many, or too few directories in when specify this information under Properties->Build->TCONF->General Options or when creating the DSP/BIOS configuration file.

RE: Setting up MityDSP-L138 for Hello World program - Added by Artem Khotab about 8 years ago

Hi Jonathan,

I thought so. Ok, I'll try to do somthing with it.
Thank you for help.

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