


SPI clock polarity

Added by John Pruitt about 13 years ago

Question received outside of Redmine:

I am trying to interface a SPI device to the MightDSP board. The clock requirement for this device is that the clock polarity should be high, that is normally high when not being asserted. I have tried to get the clock polarity to change by doing the following:

     retval = spi_setcfg(spi_handle, device, &devinfo.cfg);

The clock polarity does not change no matter whether SPI_MODE_CKPOL_HIGH is used or not. I checked the devinfo structure and the bit is being set and cleared.

Thanks for the help.

Replies (1)

RE: SPI clock polarity - Added by John Pruitt about 13 years ago

It looks like the spi driver does not do anything with the SPI_MODE_CKPOL_HIGH flag you are trying to use.

I haven't tried this with an actual device, but this is my guess on how to fix this. In the file named:


around line 50, the code looks like:

    *pfmt |= DM6446_SPIFMT_PRESCALE(prescale);

    if (cfg->mode & SPI_MODE_CKPHASE_HALF)
        *pfmt |= DM6446_SPIFMT_PHASE1;

    if (!(cfg->mode & SPI_MODE_BODER_MSB))
        *pfmt |= DM6446_SPIFMT_SHIFTLSB;

Change this code to:

    *pfmt |= DM6446_SPIFMT_PRESCALE(prescale);

    if (cfg->mode & SPI_MODE_CKPHASE_HALF)
        *pfmt |= DM6446_SPIFMT_PHASE1;

    if (cfg->mode & SPI_MODE_CSPOL_HIGH)
        *pfmt |= DM6446_SPIFMT_POLARITY1;

    if (!(cfg->mode & SPI_MODE_BODER_MSB))
        *pfmt |= DM6446_SPIFMT_SHIFTLSB;

Hope this helps.

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