From 07/15/2024 to 08/13/2024
(Posted on behalf of a customer)
On my existing system, the Max10 FPGA has the USB Blaster interface that uses 2...
- 12:52 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V FPGA Development: RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access
- Hi,
Actually that timing issues were resolved and ping performance also well as of now without packet loss. And no...
- 03:39 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: Receive and send data using vlan tag
- Bhardwaj
There should be no devicetree changes necessary to use the VLAN feature of the Ethernet.
You verified that... - Hi,
I am working on ethernet using vlan. I had used the ip command to create the vlan after that some data sent f...
- 05:36 PM MityDSP-L138 (ARM9 Based Platforms) PCB Development: RE: X1 component SiLabs 590 BA100M000G depopped
- See "PCN20220621000": linked fr...
- Hello,
we are working on transferring our design from the Spartan 6 build to the A7 SOM and an engineer noticed n...
- 07:47 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: how to access gpio using pio ip core in c code
- Hello,
I would look at the avalon memory mapped slave address in your signal tap. It's possible the hps is reques...
- 02:31 PM MityDSP-L138 (ARM9 Based Platforms) Software Development: RE: Serial port 2 issue, RS485, RTS drops to early
- I figure it's about 10% of the CPU when operating 1200 baud and 1 response per second; it gets much lower as you appr...
- 07:11 AM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: how to access gpio using pio ip core in c code
- Hi,
Yes, I am verified in Signal Tap only. and as off now like, we are able to do read and write HPS to FPGA using...
- 04:12 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: how to access gpio using pio ip core in c code
- It looks like you posted a couple different versions of your C code. Which one are you running and what does the outp...
- 07:21 PM MityDSP-L138 (ARM9 Based Platforms) Software Development: RE: Serial port 2 issue, RS485, RTS drops to early
- > before shutting off the 485 driver
Any idea how often the shutting down occurs? - 07:19 PM MityDSP-L138 (ARM9 Based Platforms) Software Development: RE: Serial port 2 issue, RS485, RTS drops to early
- I patched the 8250.c file to increase the 10ms timeout. I found the timeout is really there only to assure the uart t...
- 03:16 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: how to access gpio using pio ip core in c code
- Hi,
In my implementation, the Avalon Memory Mapped interface automatically assigned a base address in platform des...
- 06:14 PM MityDSP-L138 (ARM9 Based Platforms) PCB Development: RE: MityDSP-L138F Block Diagram Inconsistencies
- Dan,
That clears things up perfectly. Thank you for a quick and comprehensive response. - 06:10 PM MityDSP-L138 (ARM9 Based Platforms) PCB Development: RE: MityDSP-L138F Block Diagram Inconsistencies
- Hi Dylan,
The external input to the Boot Config Block is the EXT_BOOT# signal pin bin 12 of the SO-DIMM connector.... - All,
I am designing a carrier board for the MityDSP-L138F with A7 FPGA. I have noticed some inconsistencies with the... - 02:11 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V FPGA Development: RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access
- Hello,
For the reference project the makefile removes those lines from the sdc file before it does the build, if y... - 06:45 AM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V FPGA Development: RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access
- Hi,
Yeah, I am removed that two lines in dev_5cs/synthesis/submodules/dev_5cs_hps_0_fpga_interfaces.sdc, before u...
- 07:40 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V FPGA Development: RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access
- Hello,
I have verified that the reference design does meet timing when built via the makefile (ie make rbf). The m...
- 06:58 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: how to access gpio using pio ip core in c code
- The most straightforward way to do that would be to create your own Platform Designer Component with an Avalon Memory...
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