



From 01/11/2025 to 02/09/2025


02:27 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V FPGA Development: RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access
It looks like you have a signaltap in your design, which can make it hard to meet timing. I recommend that you...
Daniel Vincelette
02:14 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V FPGA Development: RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access
I am facing an issue with new Timing Error in my Project which that generated rbf file, it was not pinging and...
Bhardwaj Kotha


06:05 PM MitySOM-AM62, MitySOM-AM62A, & MitySOM-AM62P Software Development: RE: Can not enable WL1837 Wi-Fi
Hello Jonathan
For my current project I don't need Bluetooth, but it would be good to test it for future applicati...
Lucas Andre Silva


07:49 PM MitySOM-AM62, MitySOM-AM62A, & MitySOM-AM62P Software Development: RE: Can not enable WL1837 Wi-Fi
Note for a new design, I'd recommend swapping to a m.2. e-key connector as it will provide much more compatibility wi... Jonathan Cormier
07:04 PM MitySOM-AM62, MitySOM-AM62A, & MitySOM-AM62P Software Development: RE: Can not enable WL1837 Wi-Fi
Hi Lucas,
Good to hear.
> By the way, do you know if there's out-of-the-box support for the Bluetooth device on...
Jonathan Cormier
05:10 PM MitySOM-AM62, MitySOM-AM62A, & MitySOM-AM62P Software Development: RE: Can not enable WL1837 Wi-Fi
Hello Jonathan,
Thanks again, we can confirm that the overlay is loaded and that the interface is up.
By the wa...
Lucas Andre Silva


02:11 PM MitySOM-AM62, MitySOM-AM62A, & MitySOM-AM62P Software Development: RE: Can not enable WL1837 Wi-Fi
Hi Jonathan
Thank you very much for the response and quick solution.
We will test this solution early next wee...
Lucas Andre Silva


09:44 PM MitySOM-AM62, MitySOM-AM62A, & MitySOM-AM62P Software Development: RE: Can not enable WL1837 Wi-Fi
Fix has been pushed to u-boot-2024.04 branch.;a=commit;h=3a...
Jonathan Cormier
06:35 PM MitySOM-AM62, MitySOM-AM62A, & MitySOM-AM62P Software Development: RE: Can not enable WL1837 Wi-Fi
Hi Lucas,
We ran into this last week while we were testing the next release. I'll hurry along the release of the ...
Jonathan Cormier
05:13 PM MitySOM-AM62, MitySOM-AM62A, & MitySOM-AM62P Software Development: Can not enable WL1837 Wi-Fi
We've been trying to enable Wi-Fi support on the MitySOM-AM62A development kit (TI WL1837).
While follow...
Lucas Andre Silva


08:40 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: MTU increase Issue
What Dan showed you will start your application in the console... if your application exits (or you kill it with ctrl... Tim Iskander
06:55 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: MTU increase Issue
As Tim said an application launched through cron won't have access to standard in and out. What you could d...
Daniel Vincelette
03:17 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: MTU increase Issue
I am currently working with the MitySOM Cyclone V device, which has only a single UART port. During boot-up, t...
Bhardwaj Kotha


02:09 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: MTU increase Issue
If your program is reading from standard input, it will not be able to read anything when launched from cron. cron jo... Tim Iskander
01:03 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V Software Development: RE: Issue with crontab
MTU size issue was Resolved, and now I am facing with Crontab.
Actually I am running an application code on b...
Bhardwaj Kotha
01:43 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V FPGA Development: RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access
The Quartus Platform designer adds logic between the AXI bridge (not sure which bridge you are using) and your Avalon... Michael Williamson
01:18 PM MitySOM-5CSX Altera Cyclone V FPGA Development: RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board Logic Utilization Issue
I am working on Data transmission from HPS to FPGA fabric, So i am used Avalon Memory Interface in Platform De...
Bhardwaj Kotha


07:51 PM MitySOM-AM62, MitySOM-AM62A, & MitySOM-AM62P Software Development: RE: linux-cl-ti warnings (or perhaps notes?)
Thanks Nathan, I see this warning as well.
This warning is generated because we are setting the kernel defconfig i...
Jonathan Cormier
07:13 PM MitySOM-AM62, MitySOM-AM62A, & MitySOM-AM62P Software Development: linux-cl-ti warnings (or perhaps notes?)
WARNING: linux-cl-ti-6.6.32+git-r0 do_kernel_metadata: [NOTE]: defconfig was supplied both via KBUILD_DEFCONFIG and S... Nathan Wright
03:54 PM MitySOM-C10L FPGA Development: RE: Issue compiling MitySOM-C10L FPGA Reference Design
Hi Lucas,
Our example reference designs were implemented and tested with Quartus version 22.1. We would recommend ...
Mike Fiorenza


02:22 PM MitySOM-C10L FPGA Development: Issue compiling MitySOM-C10L FPGA Reference Design
Compilation of reference design fails. The issue seems to be that it does not find UART IP. Maybe it is because it is... Lucas Diodati

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