


Interrupt & Device Tree

Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago


Do you guys have any example on how to handle a interrupt? I have it set up in Qsys, where I have a FIFO sending its interrupt signal to the HPS. But how do I handle it on the software side.

I read that I need device tree to set it up. Is that correct?



Replies (1)

RE: Interrupt & Device Tree - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago

I tried to generate the device tree file from the sopcinfo file produced by quartus.

I used the following command
$ sopc2dts --input mityarm_5csx_dev_board.sopcinfo --output socfpga.dts

And I got a statement like this
Master and slave interfaces for the Transparent bridge in fifo_0 of type altera_avalon_fifo have different types.

Any thoughts?


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