


AM62x Enable UART2

Added by Tim Troester 1 day ago


On the AM62x how do we enable UART2 during the Yocto build? We have created our own machine variation of k3-am62x-mitysom and created a dts file for it per the wiki instructions you provided. We thought we need to add this...

&main_uart2 {
    pinctrl-names = "default";
    pinctrl-0 = <&main_uart2_pins>;
    status = "okay";

main_uart2_pins: main-uart2-pins {
    pinctrl-single,pins = <
        AM62X_IOPAD(0x1d4, PIN_OUTPUT, 3) /* (B15) UART2_TXD Console */
        AM62X_IOPAD(0x1d0, PIN_INPUT, 3) /* (A15) UART2_RXD Console */

We also removed those pins from "main_gpio_p3_pins_default" since we muxed them.

It doesn't seem to be working when I cat /proc/tty/driver/serial.

I also see the below error at boot so it may be related.

[    1.509258] omap8250 2820000.serial: failed to get alias

Any help would be appreciated.


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