HSMC Dual Camera Link¶
This page provides information and source code for a project that exercises the HSMC interface to produce test pattern frames in the Camera Link standard.
You will need the following for this example:
- A Critical Link MityARM-5CSX module and development board.
- A Microtronix Datacom Ltd. Camera Link Transmitter HSMC Daughter Card.
- Two Camera Link cables of matched length.
- A device that can capture dual Camera Link data in the full extended 10 tap 8 bit configuration.
- This project was tested using the EPIX PIXCI® E8 frame grabber.
- An Altera USB-Blaster, or other device capable of debug on the Cyclone V.
Hardware Setup¶
- Connect the Microtronix Datacom Ltd. Camera Link Transmitter HSMC Daughter Card to the HSMC connector on the MityARM-5CSX development board labeled as FULL HSMC.
- Use the Camera Link cables to connect the HSMC daughter card to the capture device (i.e. the EPIX PIXCI® E8 frame grabber).
Building the FPGA¶
- Download and extract the attached zip file mityarm_5csx_dev_board_hsmc_10tap_8bit_camlink.zip.
- Open the project in Quartus II 13.1.
- Use the MegaWizard Plug-In Manger to re-generate the following cores:
- pll85
- pll85_phase_adjusted
- tx_5lane
- issp
- Open Qsys and run generate on mityarm_5csx_dev_board.qsys.
- Close Qsys.
- Press the purple 'play' button in Quartus to start compilation.
Executing the example¶
Note: The Critical Link MityARM-5CSX development board was not created specifically to work with the Microtronix Datacom Ltd. Camera Link Transmitter HSMC Daughter Card. Therefore, due to routing complications, the Altera In-System Sources and Probe Editor (ISSP Editor) must be used to manually adjust the phase of one of the Camera Link clocks in order to produce valid output frames.
- Program the FPGA with the output from compilation.
- This can either be accomplished by using the USB Blaster.
- Setup the capture device to capture a frame of size 2560 x 2160, 8 bits per pixel, 10 tap 8 bit Camera Link Full Extended configuration.
- Open the ISSP Editor in Quartus.
- Use the ISSP Editor to change source bits 2-4 to select different phases for Camera Link Chip Z clock.
- Once the correct phase is selected the capture device should show a vertical gradient image that changes with each new frame.
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