



From 10/14/2024 to 11/12/2024


07:00 AM Software Development: RE: Hello World on DSP
Hello Jonathan,
Thank you for the reply. I will check and get back to you.
Arun Krishnan


03:04 PM Software Development: RE: Hello World on DSP
Arun Krishnan wrote in message#6783:
> Hello Jonathan,
> My requirement is to use DSP to communicate with some ...
Jonathan Cormier
05:17 AM Software Development: RE: Hello World on DSP
Hello Jonathan,
My requirement is to use DSP to communicate with some of the peripherals and then use IPC for data...
Arun Krishnan


03:56 PM Software Development: RE: eMMC not enabling on Docker based image buiding
Does the following guide make sense? Jonathan Cormier
07:26 AM Software Development: RE: eMMC not enabling on Docker based image buiding
> Do you need help getting your changes from the native Linux build into the yocto build?
-- Yes, need help ...
Sandeep Sivadas


08:50 PM Software Development: RE: Hello World on DSP
Hi Arun,
How are you loading the processor with the ARM RTOS and DSP RTOS? What boot media are you using, you sai...
Jonathan Cormier
06:56 AM Software Development: RE: Hello World on DSP
> The pinmux should be set up by u-boot, there should be no need to touch the pinmux in the DSP. There is a wiki page... Arun Krishnan


01:57 PM Software Development: RE: eMMC not enabling on Docker based image buiding
It looks like the mmc2 config is different on your yocto build. It's missing the pinmux pinctrl entry, the max-frequ... Jonathan Cormier
12:29 PM Software Development: RE: eMMC not enabling on Docker based image buiding
Your native kernel build is "-dirty" meaning it has changes that weren't committed. Are those changes relevant...
Sandeep Sivadas


06:52 PM Software Development: RE: eMMC not enabling on Docker based image buiding
Note your "non working" boot log seems to be truncating several lines, not sure how you captured it but that's pretty... Jonathan Cormier
05:42 AM Software Development: RE: eMMC not enabling on Docker based image buiding
_Which kernel are you using?_ - 4.19.94-yocto-standard
_Can you please share whole boot logs for working an...
Sandeep Sivadas


03:59 PM Software Development: RE: eMMC not enabling on Docker based image buiding
Which kernel are you using? Can you please share whole boot logs for working and non-working cases.
Note: It doe...
Jonathan Cormier
10:26 AM Software Development: eMMC not enabling on Docker based image buiding
I tried to build am572x image using docker build environment with eMMC enabled. But my image not detecting eMM...
Sandeep Sivadas

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