


SOM Temperature Sensor

The Agilex 5 includes voltage sensors and at least one accurate temperature sensor that can be accessed using software messages to the SDM. There is a functioning linux driver for accessing this data as part of the hwmon (hardware monitor) driver / API framework.

The easiest way to get a dump of the sensor temperature is to run the "sensors" command from the linux command line:

root@mitysbc-agilex5:~# sensors
Adapter: 10da1000.i3c
in1:          12.00 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max = +102.38 V)
                       (lowest = +12.00 V, highest = +12.03 V)
in2:         998.00 mV (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +2.05 V)
                       (lowest =  +1.00 V, highest =  +1.00 V)
power1:        6.76 W  (lowest =   5.44 W, highest =   7.51 W)
                       (max = 524.29 W, min =   0.00 W)
curr1:       564.00 mA (min =  +0.00 A, max =  +5.12 A)
                       (lowest =  +0.45 A, highest =  +0.63 A)

Adapter: ISA adapter
0.8V VCC:                         744.00 mV
1.8V VCCIO_SDM:                     1.82 V
1.8V VCCPT:                         1.82 V
1.2V VCCCRCORE:                     1.23 V
0.9V VCCH:                        945.00 mV
0.8V VCCL:                        739.00 mV
Main Die SDM:                      +43.9 C
Main Die corner bottom left max:   +91.6 C
Main Die corner bottom right max:  +91.2 C
Main Die corner top right max:     +91.9 C

This will also display other hwmon driver data. On the MitySOM-A5E devkit, the SOM current and voltage sensor on the carrier card is also monitored and will be included in the results from the sensors command above.

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